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Common Issues:

      • "How do I stop my HOA from over pruning/cutting down a tree(s)?"
      • "What type of trees should my neighbors and I be planting?"
      • "Tree growth in a neighboring yard is causing issues on my property, how do I address this?"
      • "How do I report a poorly maintained property to my HOA?"

Residential Sector


General Steps in the Residential Sector:

Step One: Determine the name of your community or subdivision based on the property or location of concern. Utilize the Maricopa County's Assessor's Parcel Viewer from step one to find the location of interest and to then determine which community or subdivision it belongs to. 

  • If this is not helpful you can resort to alternative options such as looking at a housing deed or asking neighboring residents to determine the name of the community.
Step Two: Visit your community's website to find information on public board meetings and general contact information. Attending a board meeting is the best way to find information and to get into direct contact with the management company that is in charge of your HOA. 
  • For example, If I was a resident of McDowell Mountain Ranch in Scottsdale, I would look up "McDowell Mountain Ranch Community association" and visit to find my information. 
  • Board meeting information can generally be found in the website's calendar. 

Step Three: Attend a board meeting and talk with your community's management company. All HOA's are required to provide their board meeting's time, date, and location to residents. The corresponding management company will always be present and will be your best resource for voicing concerns and issues within the community.

  • If attending a board meeting is not possible for you, try utilizing your association's contact information to reach out to board members or to report an issue directly. 



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