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Ask the Arborist Forum (Facebook)


Have a question about your tree? Post your question, and our Arborist will give you an answer!

The purpose of this forum is to share information and provide a way for our volunteer certified arborist to answer questions regarding trees. Our Ask the Arborist Forum exists on our Trees Matter Facebook page. You must ask the join the group first.

Here are some ground rules in order to participate:

  • Questions and content must be related to the topic of trees and/or the shade tree program.
  • Please treat all posters with respect and courtesy--anyone found to be abusive will be banned at the admin’s discretion.
  • No obscenity--you must not post any obscene messages or pictures. Doing so may result in an instant ban.
  • No posting of personal contact information. For your safety any public posting of any personal contact information will be removed.
  • Do not share anything that is copyrighted or illegal.
  • Anything posted including photographs can be used for Trees Matter’s use.
  • In order to utilize this forum, you must have a Facebook profile.

How Do I Join the Forum and Post My Question?
Our Ask the Arborist Forum exists on our Trees Matter Facebook page. To utilize this forum, you must have an existing Facebook profile. You must request to the join the group first. Once you have joined the forum, feel free to post you question, following the ground rules listed above. Enjoy!

To join our Ask the Arborist Forum, go to


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