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Navigating this Page

The purpose of this advocacy page is to provide you with the resources needed to address your tree related concerns within the following sectors:

  • Residential 
  • Private
  • Public

The goal is to make it possible for anyone to make their voice heard and to make real change where they see fit. This advocacy guide makes it easy to do just that. See below.

Our advocacy page is new, and continues to grow and develop. Contact us to suggest improvements to these pages, or to let us know what your experience has been in advocating for proper tree care and management.

Thank you to our former intern, Ronnie Pedersen, who helped develop this resource for the public. Without him we could not have had this free to the public.

Advocacy Guide

Step One: What do you want to change? What is the problem you want fixed? Answer these questions and then address where your concern is taking place and who owns the space or spaces involved. Gathering information will make it easier for you to efficiently and effectively address the problem. 

The best way to do this is to utilize Maricopa County's Assessor's Parcel Viewer

Use this to locate the space through an address or locating it on the provided map and then identify who or what owns the land by clicking directly on the space. Keep this information in mind when moving onto step two and beyond. This information will be used to communicate concerns and to address the right stakeholders.

Assessor's Parcel Viewer Tips:

  • Locate property or parcel of concern utilizing address or finding directly on interactive map.
  • Identify Owner information (Owner name, mailing address, etc.)
  • Utilize Property information to find zoning codes and city jurisdiction. These will tell you what sector the property falls under and what local government is responsible for the space.
  • In most cases you can search for a property using the following:
  1. Owners name
  2. Property address
  3. Parcel ID
  4. Subdivision name
  5. Condominium name

Step Two: Once you have found who owns the property and where it is located, determine which category the space falls under. Is it residential, private, or government owned? Select below which sector you are addressing.


Residential Sector

  • Housing
  • Front/back yards
  • Neighborhoods


Private Sector

  • Local Businesses
  • Corporations
  • Markets/sponsored events


Public Sector

  • Parks and Recreation
  • Streets and sidewalks
  • Government buildings

Sign Up to Receive Tree Advocacy Alerts

Many of you are interested in how you can advocate to protect, plan, and plant more trees. We've created email alerts that will provide information on important meetings to show up to, who to call for potential tree related issues, updates on tree advocacy news, and other ways to use your agency to help speak for the trees!

Please note that this list is for timely, sporadic emails and is separate from our monthly e-newsletter list. 
If you are interested in signing up to be added to this list, please fill out the form here

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      (602) 689-2896 | 734 W. Polk St, Phoenix, AZ 85007