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Common Issues: 

            • "The trees around a local business are not well maintained, what can I do to change this?"
            • "A superstore cut down all their trees in a parking lot, how do I report or fix this?"
            • "What type of trees should this business be planting?"

Private Sector


General Steps in the Private Sector:

Step One: Identify the name, location, and contact information of the corporation or business.

Step Two: Contact the business of interest and voice your concerns. 

  • Call (or email) the business directly to explain concerns and inquire for more information on who to contact.
  • If possible, find the contact information of executive or corporate management to get quicker results.

Step Three: Take the next step. If the business is able to address your concern, great! If they refuse or are not able to help, look to these potential options:

  • Go Public. Gathering support from the local community through options like social media, blog posts, and public petitions are great ways to create attention for your concern and can help pressure companies to create change.
  • Contact your local government. If the business is presenting a situation that hurts the appearance of the community or a problem to any residents, your local government can direct you on the right path to creating change.


  • When contacting businesses, have a clear goal. Find a contact who can solve your problem. You may be directed to a higher level of management or a property manager.
Ex. "Hello, my name is ______ and I am calling to address a concern I have with your store's location at ________. The trees on the south side of the property are not properly being maintained and are presenting a problem for those who pass by on the side walk. Who do I need to get into contact with to address this concern?"
  • A company may not always own the property in which they conduct business, ask for the property management's contact information or utilize Maricopa's Parcel Assessor Map to identify who owns the land. This would then be who you contact to voice your concerns.
  For more information on the Parcel Assessor Map refer to the Advocacy Home page. 
  • Provide evidence and support for your claim. Do your research. (Pictures, videos, or public statements)

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      (602) 689-2896 | 734 W. Polk St, Phoenix, AZ 85007